Shirataki noodles are a unique food that’s very filling yet low in calories.
These noodles are high in glucomannan, a type of fiber that has impressive health benefits. In fact, glucomannan has been shown to cause weight loss in numerous studies.
This article explains everything you need to know about shirataki noodles, including their benefits and cooking instructions.
What Are Shirataki Noodles?
Shirataki noodles are long, white noodles. They are often called miracle noodles or konjac noodles.
They’re made from glucomannan, a type of fiber that comes from the root of the konjac plant.
Konjac grows in Japan, China and Southeast Asia. It contains very few digestible carbs — but most of its carbs come from glucomannan fiber.
“Shirataki” is Japanese for “white waterfall,” which describes the noodles’ translucent appearance. They’re made by mixing glucomannan flour with regular water and a little lime water, which helps the noodles hold their shape.
The mixture is boiled and then shaped into noodles or rice-like pieces.
Shirataki noodles contain a lot of water. In fact, they are about 97% water and 3% glucomannan fiber. They’re also very low in calories and contain no digestible carbs.
A variety called tofu shirataki noodles is very similar to traditional shirataki noodles, but with added tofu that provides a few additional calories and a small number of digestible carbs.
- High in Viscous Fiber
- Can Help You Lose Weight
- Can Reduce Blood Sugar and Insulin Levels
- May Lower Cholesterol
- May Relieve Constipation