[Cobram] 100% 750ml extra virgin Olive oil (Robust)


  • Low Carb: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • High Fat: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • Vegetarian/Vegan: Yes
  • Halal: Yes
  • Suggestion: For Cooking


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  • THE MAKINGCobram Estate Robust Flavour Intensity is crafted from olives grown on the banks of the Murray River where the Mediterranean climate and fertile red soils guarantee premium quality. Our master blender skillfully combines the leading robust varieties from each estate to create a unique, first press Extra Virgin Olive Oil packed with deep fruity aromas and full-bodied flavour.TASTING NOTESCobram Estate Robust Flavour Intensity demonstrates a green grass nose with a complex nutty flavour. The palate is balanced with firm bitterness and pungency.


    This rich and appealing oil is best enjoyed when drizzled over pasta dishes or vegetables, used as a marinade, incorporated in stews or casseroles, added to tomato based sauces, frying, or simply for dipping crusty bread.

    Our Cobram Estate Robust Extra Virgin Olive Oil is typically a blend of Koroneiki, a variety which originates in Greece, and Coratina, which originated from Italy. These varieties produce particularly bold, robust-favoured oils with notes of freshly cut grass. They typically have a high polyphenol count, lending to a pronounced bitterness and pungency.



Additional Information

Weight 1.6 kg


Cobram Estate


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