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(which actually doesn’t need lowering!)
Clinical research indicates that cholesterol-lowering drugs (statins) are associated with over 300 adverse health effects. Tragically, 1 out of 4 Americans currently use these drugs (probably the same here in South Africa) to supposedly “prevent heart disease.” This is insanity at it’s worst. For 50 years statins have successfully lulled people into a false sense of security, enforcing the myth that cholesterol causes plaque build-up in the arteries and that this is the primary cause of heart disease. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact did you know that statins encourage calcium deposition in the arteries, far more dangerous than plaque? But that’s another subject within the cholesterol/statin story.

Big Pharma have been singing the praises of this “cholesterol myth,” to the tune of billions of dollars in statin drug sales, annually, globally. It is true that oxidized low-density lipoprotein is found within the atheromatous plaque found in damaged arteries, it is not cholesterol’s fault – a cascade of events and circumstances have to lead to this long before plaque is deposited. There is always an underlying cause, and thus damage, which affects the lining of the arteries – this can be the result of an infection, chemicals/drugs, stress or poor nutrition – or all of the above. To blame LDL cholesterol for heart disease is like blaming the scab for the injury that caused it to form. Modern medicine never addresses the cause, only the symptom for which a drug is always the “answer”.
Statins suppress cholesterol production but this is NOT a good thing, and it comes at a massive price to your body. The National Cholesterol Education Program Guidelines, designed by “experts” paid massive sums of money by statin drug manufacturers, continually put the message out that statin drugs prevent and treat heart disease through lipid suppression. Again, this is far from true! Some of the adverse side effects in fact are far worse than the “cardiovascular benefits” (of which there are none, by the way) they purport to offer.

Essentially, statin drugs damage the body’s nerves and muscles – to the point where a a dose as low as 5mg a day can actually kill a human being. There are well over 100 studies validating the myotoxicity or muscle-harming effects of these drugs, and over 80 demonstrating the effects of nerve damage. Most of our body is made up of nerves and muscles, this drug has the potential to damage any or all of your body, just in different degrees in different people. Even if you don’t feel any different, damage is happening.

Remember your heart is a muscle too – and myotoxicity is not exclusive to skeletal muscle, but affects the heart itself. A study in Cardiology in December 2009 showed how statins in fact weaken the heart muscle. I find this really disturbing as so many people take these drugs. Statins do this by inhibiting the mevalonate pathway necessary to produce the heart-essential nutrient, coenzyme Q10 – deficiency of which itself may be a major cause of heart disease. Statins also deplete the body of the cardio-protective minerals selenium and zinc.

It’s unconscionable that these drugs are peddled to “prevent” heart disease, when there is a mountain of evidence that they likely contribute to it, apart from the even more worrying findings that they contribute to well over 300 other disease and/or adverse health effects, one of which is diabetes!

Millions of people globally use these statin drugs, risking their lives in the hope that taking a magic chemical pill will reduce their risk of dying of a disease that is not caused by a drug deficiency. The probable end result though, is that the quality and duration of their lives will be profoundly reduced while they throw away money on a drug instead of truly life-preserving good food and targeted nutritional supplements.

Usually with myopathy, symptoms begin in the muscles of the upper arms, shoulders, pelvis, and thighs. In the advanced stage of this syndrome, the muscles in the feet and hands can be affected as well. Some of the most common symptoms, particularly in the lower body, include:

  • cramps
  • a feeling of heaviness
  • general stiffness

Rhabdomyolysis is a very serious condition which could result in permanent disability or death. This occurs when damaged muscle tissue releases it’s proteins and electrolytes into the bloodstream, and these in turn damage the heart and kidneys. Symptoms of rhabdomyolysis include:

  • severe muscle pain throughout the entire body
  • dark urine
  • muscle weakness
  • kidney damage

Interestingly, being physically active presents a greater chance of myopathy than being sedentary.

Some other common side effects include:

  • headaches/migraines
  • nausea and dizziness
  • extreme fatigue
  • a low blood platelet count
  • disturbed/disrupted sleep

I have prepared an E-Booklet on Statins (as part of my Cholesterol Compendium) and this is sold separately from the Cholesterol E-Book as there is too much to say about it. If you’d like a copy of this Statin Drug Information booklet, email [email protected] – it’s R150 and will educate you on what these drugs do, and where to from here. Rather find out sooner than later. My Cholesterol E-Book is also highly informative for those who want to know more.

My latest newsletter is out, always with lots on cholesterol and other health subjects. There is no charge and it’s once a month. If you’d like to be on my list, just let me know at [email protected]. Happy Thursday xx
